Active Member (dues: $350 per year)
A physician who is engaged in the practice of, or who is especially interested in the medical specialty of anesthesiology, who has successfully completed a training program in anesthesiology, who has a degree of Doctor of Medicine, Bachelor of Medicine, or Doctor of Osteopathy, who is licensed to practice medicine, whose location of principal professional activity is in the state of Louisiana, and who is an Active member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, shall be eligible to become an Active member.
Resident Member (dues: $25 per year)
A physician in training in an accredited anesthesiology residency in the state of Louisiana shall be eligible to become a Resident member.
Retired Member (no dues)
A doctor of medicine who shall have been an active member of this Society in good standing for a period of at least ten years and who shall have attained the age of 65 years, or shall have become permanently disabled or shall have ceased the practice of medicine, shall be eligible to become a Retired member, provided, however, that the Board of Directors may at its discretion modify the time and age requirements, and that Retired membership status shall terminate upon resumption of professional activity.
Medical Student Member (dues: $10 per year)
An individual enrolled in full-time training in Louisiana medical school.